
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017

Blog experience

Hello, thats my last blog and I have to recognize that my experience with blogs was been very gratifying, never had one in the past. In this semester I have written about me and my dogs, my interest about architecture, drawing, cities and so many other things that I usually don't write about my life and probably only a few persons know it. Things that I dislike are the continuity between the blogs, sometimes the blog that we have to write the next week don't have the link with the last one, I would like that every blog have been composite like a chapter or a page in a history, so at the end of the semester we build a little fragment about us. Each week I have difficults to write my blog, its a mixture between ideas that I have in mind and how I can express that in a language that I don't have expertise totally, this difficult I see like more a challenge and a didactic form to learn about english, so its very very funny. The next semester I would like keep writing in blo...

Subject you liked

Urban design. Today I’m going to talk about a subject that I really love, “Workshop of Architectural Design I". This semester was very useful to my profesional formation, was very long and difficult but it is in the first one that I feel that we are really understanding and visalize issues of the local scene about cities and urban planification. We are co-working with the Lo Espejo municipality and with the MOP (ministry of public works) so this fact are really important when in the workshop we discussed thematics like vulnerability, social risk, connection, mobility, urban support, public space, public buildings and so many others themes to find a real solution in places that have been forgotten. All of this is important and necessary in our dicipline because we must be critical to analyze and proyect cities in the future, including all actors in it, like childrens, old people, womens, workers, students, etc. I feel the compromise with this workshop and with m...

Wood work

Hi, I'm going to tell you about woodworking today. Since I was a child I have had an approach to this material, since my father works with it and I have been learning and recognizing its essence, particularities and rules that wood have, in addition to the different species that exist, their smells and textures. Nowadays, at university, we are unusually able to use this beautiful material, since we have been configuring ourselves to certain simplistic methodologies that are looking for excessive productivity, instead of something more elemental such as quality or development. That is why every time I can try to work with it, as it involves more time and more patience, also the characteristic of being able to experience infinite constructive solutions that we can use later in projects. I love wood, and I feel very happy with the university that has a place to work, with many tools and machines in which I can learn more from it.

My favorite piece of technology

Laptop. My favorite piece of technology is my laptop, it's a difficult decision, because I usually can not recognize anything as favorite, and even more if it is something technological. I have my notebook for a year and since then the way I work is very different, I can do anything in any place, I can bring it with me wherever I go, but even more important is that I can experiment with different ways to create projects or images, As well as research on referents and be updated day by day with what happens in the world or in the dicipline. My notebook gives me that feeling of independence and proactivity necessary to me, where I can advance my work whenever and wherever I want, and the freedom to expand my knowledge to where I am most interested.