Blog experience

Hello, thats my last blog and I have to recognize that my experience with blogs was been very gratifying, never had one in the past. In this semester I have written about me and my dogs, my interest about architecture, drawing, cities and so many other things that I usually don't write about my life and probably only a few persons know it. Things that I dislike are the continuity between the blogs, sometimes the blog that we have to write the next week don't have the link with the last one, I would like that every blog have been composite like a chapter or a page in a history, so at the end of the semester we build a little fragment about us. Each week I have difficults to write my blog, its a mixture between ideas that I have in mind and how I can express that in a language that I don't have expertise totally, this difficult I see like more a challenge and a didactic form to learn about english, so its very very funny. The next semester I would like keep writing in blo...