Subject you liked
Urban design.
Today I’m going to talk about a subject that I really love, “Workshop of
Architectural Design I".
This semester was very useful to my
profesional formation, was very long and difficult but it is in the first one
that I feel that we are really understanding and visalize issues of the local
scene about cities and urban planification.
We are co-working with the Lo Espejo municipality and with the MOP
(ministry of public works) so this fact are really important when in the
workshop we discussed thematics like vulnerability, social risk, connection,
mobility, urban support, public space, public buildings and so many others
themes to find a real solution in places that have been forgotten. All of this
is important and necessary in our dicipline because we must be critical to
analyze and proyect cities in the future, including all actors in it, like
childrens, old people, womens, workers, students, etc.
I feel the compromise with this workshop and with my group, we have
been interested in following with these areas of urbanism in the future of our
carreers, but im open to discovered new areas and types of workshops.
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